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Category: News

UC Davis co-launches high-touch telehealth program in the Central Valley for agricultural workers

Article By: Aisling Carroll A “co-conspirator” in Merced County Merced County’s leading cause of death in 2020 was the coronavirus, tragically exemplifying just how hard many of the Central Valley’s rural, low-income and vulnerable residents have been hit by Covid-19. According to The Lancet, there is a “co-conspirator” in areas disproportionately impacted like Merced: diabetes. This complex chronic illness has

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New Report – Equitable Distribution of the COVID-19 Vaccine: Recommended Practices

Public health care systems have been leaders in vaccinating communities of color, low-wage essential workers, and other populations that have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In April, the California Health Care Safety Net Institute (SNI) interviewed 35 vaccine administration leaders across California’s public health care systems to better understand what led to their success. In the report, we

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May Revision Provides Critical Funding for Public Health Care Systems and Advances Equity in Medi-Cal

OAKLAND, CA, May 14, 2021 – The California Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems (CAPH) applauds Governor Newsom’s May Revision for the 2021-22 Budget, which includes dedicated funding to support public health care systems’ critical safety net services and other key initiatives that advance equity in Medi-Cal. In recognition of public health care systems’ ongoing COVID-19 response efforts and

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County Leaders Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis

Behavioral Health – Human Services  – Public Health – Public Hospitals Join Growing Movement of Local Government Leaders in Shared Commitment to Address Harms Done to Black, Indigenous and People of Color Sacramento, CA — Organizations representing California’s county behavioral health, human services, public health, and public hospital systems today released a powerful, unified statement acknowledging the “historic and ongoing

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Health Advocates Respond to DHCS Telehealth Proposal, Upcoming Telehealth Informational Hearing, and Support for AB 32

CALIFORNIA – After rescheduling the original hearing date from last week, today the Assembly Health Committee will hold an Informational Hearing on “Telehealth Policy Post-Pandemic.” Health care providers and advocacy groups co-sponsoring AB 32(Aguiar-Curry) applaud the California Assembly for holding such a critical informational session, and call on the Legislature and Governor to support and invest in telehealth delivery, including

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CAPH Urges State Leaders to Prioritize Funding for Public Health Care Systems in State Budget

Since the beginning of the pandemic, public health care systems have been integral to the state’s COVID-19 response. Without hesitancy, public health care systems have maintained ongoing access to testing and ramped up vaccination efforts, all the while responding to the unprecedented surges in COVID-19 cases across the state. During this critical response effort, public health care systems experienced a

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Community Health Workers and Peers are Essential to Counties’ COVID-19 Response

Community health workers and peers are critical in Whole Person Care While community health workers (CHWs) and peers operate under many different job titles, they share the critical role of being a “connector”: linking community members to systems of care and fostering relationships with clients based on shared experience and a deep sense of empathy. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these

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