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Category: News

Issue Brief: California’s Public Health Care Systems’ Journey to Value-Based Care

Today, CAPH/SNI released our latest latest brief, which demonstrates how California’s public health care systems have been leading efforts to evolve safety net payments from volume to value over the past 15 years. Since 2005, California has implemented three 1115 Medicaid waivers – the primary vehicle for payment and delivery system transformation. Each waiver has challenged public health care systems

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Developing Innovative Quality Metrics In Value-based Care

Most nationally vetted clinical performance measures are provider-centric, based on billable in-person services, and unable to capture more patient-centered, flexible services such as visits with expanded care teams and virtual telehealth encounters. PRIME (Public Hospital Redesign and Incentives in Medi-Cal), part of California’s Medi-Cal 2020 waiver, provides pioneering and frontline contributions to the performance measurement landscape through its “Innovative Metrics.” PRIME, an

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Public Health Care Systems Applaud Governor Newsom’s Priorities in FY 2019-2020 Budget Proposal

OAKLAND, CA, January 10, 2019 – The California Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems (CAPH) applauds Governor Gavin Newsom’s FY 2019–2020 Budget proposal, which demonstrates his strong commitment to expanding health care coverage and making care more affordable and accessible for Californians. To improve access to care for young adults, the Governor proposed extending Medi-Cal eligibility until 26 years

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ACA Ruled Unconstitutional in U.S. District Court

The recent ruling by a federal district judge striking down the Affordable Care Act (ACA) individual coverage mandate, thereby rendering the entire health law unconstitutional, could wreak havoc on California, our health care safety net, and most importantly, millions of patients. This decision to dismantle the ACA could have sweeping damaging effects across our country, especially in California where Medicaid

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Webinar: Transforming Care Delivery and Improving Quality through PRIME

Join CAPH/SNI on December 17 to learn more about the progress and impact of California’s public health care systems in PRIME (Public Hospital Redesign and Incentives in Medi-Cal), a key program of the Medi-Cal 2020 waiver. During the webinar, we will present PRIME performance data and implementation trends for year three of the program. Two participating health systems, Alameda Health System

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CAPH Submits Public Charge Comments

Highlighting How the Public Charge Rule Would Impact our Ability to Care for Immigrant Communities In October, the Trump Administration proposed formal changes to the Public Charge Rule, which is used to assess whether lawful immigrants could be a “burden” to society based on the use of public benefits, which impacts their ability to become legal permanent residents. The California

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ZSFG’s Social Medicine Team Provides Holistic Care in the ED

A new Social Medicine team at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFG) is shifting hospital culture to focus on healing the whole person and reshaping attitudes about what it means to help the vulnerable among us. Given the enormous challenges of living on the streets, many homeless individuals come to the emergency department (ED) for care because they have no where

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Whole Person Care Hits Stride – Q&A with SNI

The California Improvement Network (CIN) sat down with Amanda Clarke, Associate Director of Programs at the California Health Care Safety Net Institute (SNI) to discuss the challenges, lessons, and opportunities of the state’s Whole Person Care (WPC) pilots. The Q&A highlights how SNI is working with WPC sites to improve care for the state’s highest-needs patients by breaking data-sharin­g barriers,

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Public Health Care Systems Recognized on C-Section Honor Roll

Smart Care California released its third annual C-Section Honor Roll, which recognizes hospitals in the state that have met or surpassed a federal target aiming at reducing births via Cesarean section (C-section) in first-time mothers with low-risk pregnancies. Across the state, 122 hospitals were recognized that represent more than half of all hospitals that offer maternity services in California. Seventeen

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Public Charge Rule Impacts Immigrants’ Use of Public Benefits

Erica Murray, CEO and President of the California Association of Public Hospitals and Health Centers describes the impact of the proposed public charge rule in a recent story on KQED, Immigrants Using Public Benefits Could Be Denied Green Cards Under New Proposal. The draft public charge rule, released on October 10th by the Trump Administration,would make it more difficult for immigrants to get green

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